Future pipes: 4 networking technologies for the future

Future pipes: 4 networking technologies for the future

Technologies that promise to deliver greater network efficiency What will the network look like tomorrow? Although the traffic itself probably won’t change too much, the topology and tools that enable the network will be new and will require network administrators[...]

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Fiber Optics – The Wave of the Future

The copper wires used to transmit communication signals haven’t changed in over 100 years. They’re familiar, reliable…and limited in bandwidth.Enter fiber optic cable — the wave of the future. What makes fiber optics so special? Speed and bandwidth – Fiber[...]

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The Future of Fiber Optic Communication

There is no question that fiber optic communication is our future. Fiber optic communication industry has been enjoying amazing growth for over 15 years. These are driven by both technology advance and market demand. There are some obvious trends in[...]

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Bi-on-ics Etymology: from bi (as in “life”) + onics (as in “electronics”); the study of mechanical systems that function like living organisms or parts of living organisms Amanda Kitts is mobbed by four- and five-year-olds as she enters the classroom[...]

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